Version: 1.0

Money Movement API

Simulate a variety of financial transactions in and out of different synthetic accounts to emulate real customer behavior.
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The Money Movement API suite allows one to perform a variety of financial transactions into and out of different synthetic accounts to emulate real customer behavior: paying bills, depositing checks, purchasing items and more. In general, one will perform these transactions from the perspective of a single customer using the assigned synthetic accounts.


  • Emulate a credit card purchase at a point of sale
  • Confirm that card information is valid and account is open, and confirm that there is sufficient credit available for purchase
  • Return a purchase receipt
  • Make a deposit or withdrawal from a direct deposit account
  • Emulate different channels (branch, online or check)
  • Collect party information
  • Make a payment to a credit account (overpayment is not allowed)
  • Transfer money from existing DDA account
  • Make a funds transfer (internal transfers will contain cross reference identifiers to reconcile payments; external transfers are allowed between different customers)
  • Automatically updates the corresponding account balances to reflect the transaction
  • Create a unique transaction record that becomes part of the corresponding account's history


Accounts - workflow

Use cases

  • Set up an auto-payment to deal with recurring bills
  • Encourage savings by making periodic deposits based on external behaviors
  • Monitor card purchases to identify opportunities to save money
  • Build a budgeting application and monitor outgoing expenses
  • Build a fraud alert feature that monitors incoming transactions for discrepancies